

Various professional Orders and Associations, within Europe and elsewhere in the world, have worked on similar projects to "Il tuo Architetto". The resources listed below may be useful for a better understanding of the relationship between the client and the architect from an international point of view.

AIA The American Institute of Architects
You & Your Architect

RAIA Australian Institute of Architects
Working with an Architect

RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects
Working with an Architect for your home

Ordre des Architectes Conseil National
Travailler avec l'architecte

ARB Architects Registration Board
Finding an Architect

UIA Union Internationale des Architectes
Accord on international standards of professionalism in architectural practice

BNA Branchevereniging Nederlandse Architecten bureaus
Manifest Beter Aanbesteden

BDA Bund Deutscher Architekten
Vergabe von Architektenleistungen

OAF Ordine Architetti Firenze
Servirsi di un Architetto

Ordine Architetti Reggio Emilia
Perché scegliere un architetto