The contract determines the details of the services to be provided in the project, the way the fee and expenses will be calculated, the presence or otherwise of other consultants, insurance cover for the architect and the period of responsibility, and finally the procedure for resolving any disputes.
You can use as a model one of the example contracts available on the Milan Order of Architects website:
Milan Order of Architects PLC.
the project planning section you will find a diagram illustrating how an architectural project is carried out, and a table of professional services: you can refer to this when drawing up the contract.
The contract specifies the fundamental responsibilities of the architect, such as:
to carry out the services requested with competence and care;
to represent the client on certain occasions;
to advise the client on regulations and legislation;
to update the client on the state of things as work progresses and on quality, cost and time related issues;
not to make substantial modifications to the project without the client's consensus, except in an emergency;;
not to subcontract anything without the client's consensus.
As the client you must be able to:
contribute to setting priorities for the project, providing the architect with all the necessary information and documentation;
make decisions and answer any questions the architect asks you;
pay the architect's fees, expenses and mandatory social security contributions, and the taxes due for the project, including VAT.