

Before starting it is useful for you to answer a few questions. Even if you are unable to answer all of them, they will help you to focus your requirements and explain them clearly to Your Architect.

What will be the main function of your project? Do you already know how you will use the spaces?
Do you already have an area or building on which to act?
Do you need an external opinion on this?
Do you already have an idea of your budget and time schedule?
What are your main expectations for this project?
Who will make decisions? Only you, or will other people be involved?
Are you willing to invest in energy-saving systems or other technology with a longer-term financial return?
Have you already had experience with architects and the construction world? If so, was it successful or were you disappointed and for what reasons?

Once you have clarified these points you will be ready to meet the architect and start off on your project.
A good architect will listen to your requests carefully, helping you to consolidate your aims and wishes, and then turn them into a project and shape them into real architecture.
Try to be sure, clear and constant in your objectives: frequently changing your idea does not help the end quality of the project.
Be ready to answer the architect's questions about the aims, budget, time schedule and other consultants involved in the project. Talk openly and tell him what you know about the field and what you expect from the project; ask for explanations when you don't understand something.
If you deal with all these questions right from the beginning, the project will gain substantially in quality and effectiveness.
You and Your Architect will assess the design alternatives together: if your priorities are clear, new possibilities and new design ideas are more likely to come out. Constant consultation and dialogue are essential for the project's successful outcome.


The initial dialogue will enable the expert to understand your requirements and draw up a project schedule with you that will respect the cost and time limits you have indicated.

By inviting questions and making suggestions Your Architect will help you to identify the pros and cons of the various options, offering ideas to improve the final result. The programme will constitute the basis for the contract that you will sign.

The Schematic Design develops into the project plan through solutions that correspond as closely as possible to the aims, compatibly with the budget and physical conditions of the places. They are definite enough to allow the amount and cost of the work to be estimated through drawings, reports and rough calculations.

The Design Development (progetto definitivo) is developed into the final solution and all the technical and legal documents are drawn up in order to obtain building permission.

The architect will study the administrative procedure for your project from the start, finding out about the authorisations required and the documentation to present. He/she will best advise you in the design and bureaucratic choices to be made. Considering the large number and diversity of rules and regulations in Italy, the procedure is not always as unambiguous as one would wish.

During the project verification stage, which involves various bodies and may often delay the start of operations, it is possible to look further into some of the economic and construction aspects, the choice of materials and finishing details, so as to have the Working Drawings (progetto esecutivo) ready before the procurement stage.


The architect knows the construction world and will guide you through the construction stage, helping you to choose the building firm and the other operators involved.
Choose the building firm to entrust with the work carefully, verifying their entrepreneurial capability and rectitude with your architect.
A solid, trustworthy, building firm will avoid you having to deal with sanctions, surprises or delays in the realisation of your project, guaranteeing successful results.
It is essential that you stipulate a proper contract agreement (contratto di appalto): this is a fundamental document, a legally binding commitment between you and the builder, which defines your project. If it is well drawn up, the contract will be your safeguard.
Your architect can draw it up for you or help you to draft it in the best way, avoiding any exceptional circumstances being left to chance.

Once you have chosen the building firm and opened the building site, the architect in charge of the project can also act as Site Supervisor (Direttore Lavori) or Artistic Director. The role of the Site Supervisor is to supervise and ascertain the correct execution of works in relation to the project through periodic visits to the building site. If requested he/she can also provide support at the final inspection and assist you in settling accounts with the building firm.

The Site Supervisor is the client's spokesperson on the building site and coordinates the various activities. The building firm then appoints a site manager.
If the Site Supervisor is not the architect himself he must still be familiar with every aspect of the project. He/she may also have the support of similar figures for any specialised work, e.g. for plant systems and structures. If qualified, he/she may also cover the role of safety coordinator.
The Works Director works in both the client's interest and in the interests of good architecture; for this reason the dialogue between client and Works Director must always be rooted in reciprocal trust.
The Site Supervisor is also responsible for modifications to the project decided during construction, towards the architect and the client, and in terms of their conformity to building and town planning regulations.